Legislating Morality vs. Music Theft

Perhaps I may interject a voice of the middleground, between the pirates and SOPA/PIPA/corporate greed machine. Everything I own I have bought, but not everything I have seen or heard, I own. I recently saw a music video (on YouTube) someone posted on facebook, this made me look up more of their songs, which I also liked. I went to iTunes and bought several of their songs that I would never have heard of (and thus bought) otherwise.

I think that trying to regulate morals into people has never and will never work. It only empowers one group over another, fostering tyrany (Google Milgram if you dont believe me).

Which is a better scenerio
1 – a cop busting a college kid for illegal downloading, followed by court and laywers and jail and guards…etc. Tons of money wasted, tax payers burdened, a family ruined. OR
2 – a person just saying NO and not illegally downloading?

If the media industry wants us to change, they must change our minds and hearts, not our laws: Make us want to say no!

Making more things crimes just makes more criminals.

A living example of this: